"Sixteen millimeter" motion picture film was introduced in 1923 when George Eastman introduced a safe, non-flammable, affordable film for the amateur market. He was very smart about equipment, promotion and education as he wanted to enroll still photographers and families in the hobby of moviemaking.
To learn about motion picture film, notice the dimensions and positions of things. This film is 16mm wide, about 5/8 inch, unless shrunken due to bad storage. Sprocket holes are used to advance the film and are also called perforations. Notice that the particular piece of 16mm shown has sprocket holes down both edges. 16mm is also found with a single set of holes, called single perforation film. The holes on 16mm are located on the frame line between pictures.
16mm film was offered on safety film and is not dangerous. Most rolls of movie film you will find in family collections are one of a kind cultural documents, unique records of family moments and other things that the filmmaker was interested in. Ocassional rolls show up that are news events, cartoons or comedy, sold to families for entertainment, to be projected at home. Please do not project your films unless you have determined they are still in good condition. Store film cool and dry. Your original film, when well stored, will last far longer than any of today's electronic media.
When 8mm film was introduced in 1932, 16mm film went from being a film primarily for families to the travelogue and made-for-hire market. 16mm was also used for fine art, experimental and documentary filmmaking. 16mm film is still available today in a wide variety of stocks both reversal (positive) and negative. It is used by artists, and independent filmmakers and in a host of other applications.
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